Using an Alpha Consultant

Our services are free to candidates looking for a new position. A good recruiter’s services can be invaluable. Since we know the marketplace, you can save time and learn about positions that are not advertised. A good recruiter can identify your ideal practice in a location where you want to be. We protect your anonymity, schedule interviews and take care of all the legwork that goes into a successful job search.

Benefits to using a firm include:

  • Free Service
  • Confidentiality
  • Coordination of interview and travel itineraries
  • Introduction to non-advertised available positions
  • Timeliness
  • Marketing to specific areas to find your ideal position
  • Assistance with contract negotiations
  • Help with the relocation and credentialing process

Make sure that the recruitment firm’s policy is to keep your CV in strict confidence and that your CV is never sent anywhere without your permission. Alpha Medical Group is a member of The National Association of Physician Recruiters, NAPR, and adheres to their professional and ethical standards.

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